Christ in you is MORE than enough!

Jesus redeemed us with his death, and justified us with his resurrection!

He died for our sins and he resurrected so that we may have a new nature. He resurrected  to restore to us the position we had before the fall of Adam. We can live justified or just-as-if-we've-never-sinned. He resurrected to enforce the victory he won for us on the cross. He said in Matthew 28:18, ""ALL authority in heaven  and on earth has been given to me. Therefore GO and make disciples of ALL nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Jesus had to resurrect in order to render death, and hell powerless (Revelation 1:18).  Before His resurrection and after the fall of Adam, the devil was more powerful than the righteous man; and although God's Word, "is forever settled in heaven," (Psalms119:8), that wasn't the case here on earth. Adam gave the earth up to satan and relinquished his dominion over it. This was the exact point in which the devil became "the god of this world," as the bible calls him in 2 Corinthians 4:4. He had dominion over the earth until Jesus went into hell and took it ALL back.

After His resurrection,  Jesus told his disciples he held all authority; and then told them to GO. Let's think about this for a minute. Where is Jesus? Well, when we were recreated through the second birth of the Holy Spirit, Jesus moved to inhabit in us through the person of the Holy Spirit. So now, what exactly does that imply? That means that all that Jesus is, all that Jesus has, and all that Jesus can do is IN YOU!!! Do you realize that you carry GOD!!!! He dwells in you with ALL authority in heaven and on earth!!!! That is why you are commissioned to GO; because you have authority over all things and the power (power is supplied by the Holy Spirit) to enforce that authority.  Of course all in Jesus Christ! And people honestly think our AWESOME God has sent them out powerless. Wrong! You can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you (Philippians 4:13).



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